Pre-election debates on youth and sustainable development conclude

A series of debates between election candidates, with a focus on sustainable development and issues affecting young people, has concluded.

The Anguilla National Youth Council, a non-partisan organisation advocating for youth empowerment, leadership and civic engagement, hosted the debates to provide a platform for informed discussion.

Participants included members of the island’s three political parties – the Anguilla Progressive Movement (APM), the Anguilla Reliable Team (ART), and the Anguilla United Front (AUF).

Several independent candidates also seized the opportunity to discuss the key issues ahead of the island’s general election on 26 February.

In a Facebook post on 21 February, the youth council extended its thanks to all the candidates, supporters and sponsors of the debate series.

“This initiative was designed to provide young people with a platform to submit their questions to the council and have their voices heard,” it said.

The first three days of votes, taking place on the 10, 11 and 12 of February, can be watched in full here.

District 6

The debate for District 6 – Road South took place at the Adrian T Hazell Primary School at 7pm on Friday, 14 February.

Taking part were Marie Connor of the ART, Haydn Hughes from the APM party, and Patrick Mardenborough of the AUF.

The debates were recorded by In Anguilla and can be watched in full below:

Islandwide – Day 1

The first debate for the islandwide candidates took place at the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School, Campus Q cafeteria, at 6pm on Monday, 17 February.

Taking part were José Vanterpool of the AUF, Glenneva Hodge of the APM party, Evan Gumbs or ART and independent candidate Avenella Griffith.

The second debate of the day was held in the same location at 7pm.

Participating were the AUF’s Kyle Hodge, Kenneth Hodge of the APM party, Curtis Richardson of the ART and independent candidate Lanny Hobson.

The debates were recorded by In Anguilla and can be watched in full below:

Islandwide – Day 2

The second day of debates for islandwide candidates took place at the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School, Campus Q cafeteria, at 6pm and 7pm on Tuesday, 18 February.

Taking part in the first debate were Marvo Duncan of the ART party, AUF’s Jeison Bryan, APM’s Othlyn Vanterpool and independent candidate Yusuf Abdul Ali.

The second debate of the day saw participation from Evans McNiel Rogers from the AUF party, the APM’s Quincia Gumbs-Marie and Rommel Hughes from the ART party.

The debates were recorded by In Anguilla and can be watched in full below:

General election

This year’s general election is being held on 26 February with advance polling for eligible voters on 25 February.

General elections in Anguilla are held every five years, with the most recent election taking place in June 2020 when the APM was elected into office.

On election day, voters can select one candidate from their single-member district and up to four candidates from the islandwide district.

Eleven members of the Anguilla House of Assembly will be elected in total.

The electoral districts are: 1) Island Harbour, 2) Sandy Hill, 3) Valley North, 4) Valley South, 5) Road North, 6) Road South and 7) West End. A detailed map can be accessed here.

Voters must be a citizen of Anguilla, have resided in the territory for a specified period before the election, be at least 18 years old, and be registered on the electoral roll.

Votes will be counted at 8.30pm on 26 February at the House of Assembly building in The Valley.

The candidates in each district with the highest number of votes will be elected along with the four islandwide candidates with the most votes.

The Elections Act can be read in full here.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article provides impartial coverage of political activities in the lead up to the 2025 general election in Anguilla.

It does not constitute an endorsement of any party or candidate.