Work is progressing toward private sector pension plan, minister says

Work is moving forward on the future development of a private sector pension plan in Anguilla, according to the home affairs minister.

Speaking during a government press conference, Kenneth Hodge said the Advisory Committee on a Pensions Proposal for the Private Sector has “continued to work diligently”.

“The committee has finalised its work plan and work flow chart, and has submitted a first draft to the ministry for our consideration,” he said in the live broadcast on 2 December.

The committee will soon issue a survey to employers and employees to gather opinions on a pension plan for the private sector and the current retirement landscape in Anguilla.

“The general public is encouraged to participate, as this will provide valuable feedback to guide the recommendations of the committee to government at the end of its tenure,” Hodge said.

The goal of the advisory committee, which is headed by retired economist Dr Wycliffe Fahie, is to undertake the research needed to be able to advise the Ministry of Home Affairs on the following:

  • General views of employers and self-employed persons in Anguilla towards the implementation of a pension plan for the private sector requiring employer contribution.
  • General views of employees in Anguilla towards the implementation of a Pension Plan for the Private Sector requiring employee contribution.
  • The Viability of the Pension Plan Proposals for the Private Sector available or proposed within Anguilla.
  • Recommendations as to how the Government of Anguilla should proceed to support the establishment of Pension benefits for employees within the Private Sector.

The committee, which consists of members from both the public and private sectors, held its first meeting on 2 September at the Ministry of Home Affairs.