Work begins on plan to sustainably manage Anguilla’s groundwater

The government has embarked on an initiative to ensure the management of groundwater in Anguilla is sustainable and climate-resilient.

Groundwater is used for drinking water, agriculture, industry, ecosystem support, recreation, and as a reliable reserve during water shortages.

In a press release on 13 January, Haydn Hughes, Minister of Infrastructure, Communications, Utilities, Housing and Tourism, said looking after the island’s groundwater is very important.

“Sustainable groundwater management is an investment in the future of our economy and the well-being of our citizens,” he said.

The project began on 4 October last year, with an online meeting with key stakeholders followed by an initial field visit from 24 to 29 November.

Royal HaskoningDHV, a consulting engineering company from the Netherlands, is spearheading the efforts to assess and develop sustainable groundwater management strategies.

Its objectives are to:
  • Determine the current and future availability of groundwater resources in Anguilla, considering climate change.
  • Improve the monitoring of groundwater quality and mitigate contamination of the groundwater and subsidiary ecosystems.
  • Strengthen the policy, regulatory and planning arrangements for groundwater management.

The initiative forms part of the Green Overseas programme, a European Union-funded effort implemented by Expertise France to support sustainable development in overseas territories.

Field visit highlights

During the field visit, Royal HaskoningDHV consultants and the utilities ministry’s acting permanent secretary spoke with stakeholders from government agencies, statutory bodies and private institutions.

A consultant from Royal HaskoningDHV (right) learns about Anguilla’s groundwater. (Government of Anguilla/2024)

These included the utilities ministry, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Water Services, the Department of Health Protection, and the Department of Physical Planning.

They also spoke with representatives of drilling companies in Anguilla and the Green Overseas regional coordinator for the Caribbean.

The team from Royal HaskoningDHV also visited potential contamination sites, wells, and desalination plants.

The consultant’s partners ICE St Maarten and My Anguilla Experience supported through overseeing the field work activities and providing communication expertise.

The team gained vital information about groundwater levels and quality, maintenance of water supply infrastructure and insights into the geology of the island and governance.

This will all help to which will help shape the government’s Groundwater Management Plan.