A select group of residents in Anguilla can apply to vote early in the upcoming general election during the advance polls on 25 February.
The Central Electoral Office released further details on how registered voters qualify in a media statement on Tuesday, 4 February.
The following professions are eligible: police officers, customs officers, immigration officers, doctors, nurses, emergency medical technicians, prison officers, and medical technologists.
Those who are employed in the Central Electoral Office or are an election officer also qualify for advanced voting.
Residents who are either physically disabled or at least 70 years old can also attend the voting booths a day early.
This is in accordance with the Elections Act, 2019 and the Elections (Amendment) Act, 2025.
Those wishing to apply for advance voting must complete an application form at the Central Electoral Office, which will issue them with a voter registration identification card.
The form is also available online here. The deadline for applications is Monday, 10 February.
The advance polls will take place between 9am and 4pm at the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School’s Quarter Campus.
General election
General elections in Anguilla are held every five years, with the most recent election taking place in June 2020, when the APM was elected into office.
On election day, voters can select one candidate from their single-member district and up to four candidates from the islandwide district.
Eleven members of the Anguilla House of Assembly will be elected in total.
The electoral districts are: 1) Island Harbour, 2) Sandy Hill, 3) Valley North, 4) Valley South, 5) Road North, 6) Road South and 7) West End. A detailed map can be accessed here.
Voters must be a citizen of Anguilla, have resided in the territory for a specified period before the election, be at least 18 years old, and be registered on the electoral roll.