Two jailed for 12 and 13 years for manslaughter of Leroy Vanterpool

Shekium Lake and Deonne Daniel Smith have been jailed for 12 and 13 years for the 2020 manslaughter of Leroy Vanterpool.

Vanterpool, 52, was shot dead in Welches late on 4 January, 2020.

A 44-year-old resident of East End, who was with him at the time, also sustained gunshot injuries, but later recovered.

Lake, 25, and Smith, 24, both of Welches, appeared in Anguilla High Court on 16 October for sentencing, according to a statement from the Royal Anguilla Police Force.

Lake received 12 years for manslaughter, while Smith received 13 years.

Both were also sentenced to “time served” for attempted robbery and conspiracy to rob, along with co-defendant Javeth Vanterpool, who was released.

Anguilla Focus will provide a full report once the sentencing judgment has been published.

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