Premier presents legislative plans for Anguilla House of Assembly

Premier Ellis Webster has presented the government’s legislative plans for upcoming sessions in the Anguilla House of Assembly.

In an hour-long opening address on 5 November, he said the legislative agenda is in keeping with the government’s vision for Anguilla.

“It touches on many areas – economic development, sustainable growth, climate change, security and safety, which are important to us as a small country,” he said.

The proposed legislation is detailed below:

Appropriations Act (2025) 2024
Goods and Services Tax Act Amendment (Food, Glasses Frames, etc)
Public Procurement and Contract Administration Act Amendment
Inland Revenue Department Penalty Waiver Committee Act
Consumer Protection Act
Electricity Act Amendment Bill and Regulations
Festivals Commission Act
Child Justice Act Amendment
Rehabilitation of Offenders (Expunging of Records) Act
Immigration and Passport Act 2000 Amendment
Labour Relations Act Amendment (Layoffs, Service Charge, Leave, Change in Terms and Conditions of Employment, Overtime Pay)
Advanced Passenger Information System (APIS) Act
Advanced Cargo Information System (ACIS) Act
Work Permit Fees for Training of Workers Fund Regulations
The Jet Ski Prohibition Act (Policy, Legislation and Regulations)
Revision of the Roads Act Amendment Bill
Tobacco Control Act
Financial Administration and Audit Act Amendment
Prison Regulations (Disciplinary Code)
Electronic Monitoring Act Amendments (Bail Act, Parole of Prisoners Act, Probations Act)
Police Amendment Act
Police Disciplinary Regulations
Parliamentary Service Commission Act (HOA)

The leader of the opposition, Cora Richardson-Hodge, will respond to the premier’s agenda at the next meeting of the Anguilla House of Assembly on Tuesday, 12 November, at 10am.