Anguilla House of Assembly boosts pay for general election workers

The Anguilla House of Assembly has voted to increase payments for government staff overseeing the general election this year.

Returning officers, presiding officers and poll clerks will all receive higher remuneration for their roles in managing and conducting the election process.

The Elections Registration (Amendment) Regulations, 2025, made under the Elections Act, were signed by the governor on 21 January.

They increase the returning officer’s payment from EC$1,125 to $1,687.50, the presiding officer’s payment from $1,050 to $1,575 and the poll clark’s payment from $600 to $900.

Premier Ellis Webster presented a motion to approve the regulations in the latest meeting of the assembly on 28 January.

He explained that the staff will all be working on both the poll day on 26 February as well as during the advance polls on 25 February.

“It is proposed that electoral officers be paid an additional 50% of election day polls renumeration for work done on the advance day polls,” he told the assembly.

All members voted in favour of the motion and it was passed without amendments.

Webster thank the assembly for appreciating the work that is done by the electoral officers.

“The small increase in compensation certainly doesn’t represent the work that they do, but it’s just to show them that the extra day’s work is compensated,” he said.